
C ongratulations on your purchase of an Audiovox D V D 3200! Your D V D -Video player is a Player for digital video discs conform ing to the universal D V D Video standard . W ith it, you w ill be able to Enjoy full-length movies w ith true cinem a picture quality, and stereo sound . The unique features of


-Video, such as selection of soundtrack and subtitle languages, and of different cam era angles (depending on the disc), are all included . You w ill find your player easy to use, by w ay of the O n

Screen D isplay, in com bination w ith the remote control, as w ell as the m ain faceplate controls . It is im portant to note that C D -R , and C D -R W discs must be F IN ALIZ ED before they can be played on this player. The disc types w hich run on the player, feature one or m ore of these logos on the disc

DVD - Video

D V D has brought about a true revolution in video quality. The w onders of D V D -V ideo are possible due to the use of the latest state -of-the -art M P EG 2 data com pression that enables an entire m ovie to be put on a single 5 -inch disc. The complex M P EG 2 technology captures even the m ost

com plex pictures in all of their original glory. Technically, D V D -Video provides crystal clear digital pictures w ith a high resolution of over 500 lines and 720 pixels (picture elem ents) to each line! This is m ore than double the resolution of V H S , better than Laser D iscs, and is the closest m atch to the digital m asters m ade in the recording studios! D V D -V ideo is poised to be the universal video system of the future, offering optim al view ing quality on any TV screen .

U npacking

First, check and identify the contents of your D V D 3200 player package, as listed below :

-D VD -Video P layer

-D IN Plug Pow er H arness

-Pow er H arness Extension

-D IN Sleeve

- 6' S tereo A udio/Video R C A C able

-M ounting Strap

-Accessory K it

-D IN Sleeve R em oval Tools

-Stand -A lone R em ote C ontrol w ith Batteries

If any of these item s should be damaged or m issing, please inform your supplier w ithout delay. Please keep all packaging m aterials, as you m ight need to transport your player in the future .


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Audiovox 3200 owner manual Introduction, DVD Video, Npacking