S ubtitles
W hen subtitles are available on a disc, you can turn them on by holding dow n during play until the subtitles appear.
To step through the languages option, press repeatedly.
To turn the subtitles off, hold dow n (1 second) again .
C hecking the Contents of DVD -Video Discs: M enus
For titles and chapters, selection m enus m ay be included on the disc . The D VD ’s m enu feature allow s you to m ake selections from the m enus. P ress the appropriate num erical key; or use the keys to highlight your selection, and press O K.
Press ME N U .
If the present title has a root m enu, this now appears on the O SD .
The root m enu can list cam era angles, spoken language and subtitle options, and chapters for the title .
To rem ove the root m enu, press M EN U again. Press T
If the disc has a title m enu, this now appears on the O SD . To rem ove the title m enu, press T
Still Picture and Step Fram e
To get a still picture, press during play.
To step forw ard to the next picture fram e, press again.
To return to play, press .
Playing a Video CD
You w ill recognize Video C D ‘s by the logo . D epending on the m aterial on a disc (a m ovie, video clips, a drama series, etc) these discs may have one or m ore tracks, and tracks may have one or m ore indexes, as indicated on the disc case . To m ake access easy and convenient, your player lets you m ove betw een tracks, and betw een indexes.
Som e Video C D ‘s have Play B ack C ontrol (P BC ) w hich is a predefined playback sequence stored on the disc .
NO TE: During p lay, various icon s w ill appear on th e TV screen fo r ab out 2 secon ds to con firm that a fu nction has been selected. You can get rid of th e ico n by pressing O SD . At an y tim e during p lay, yo u can press OSD to call up the Play Ban ner, wh ich show s yo u
w hich functio ns are active, fo r abo ut 2 second s. To keep th e Play Banner on the screen, hold dow n OSD fo r a cou ple of second s. To get rid o f th e Play Banner, press O SD ag ain.