DVD Operation

P laying a Title

P lay starts w hen you insert a disc into the D V D player. If the disc is in a stopped state, press on the front faceplate or the rem ote . T he disc m ay invite you to select an item from a m enu . If the

selections are num bered, press the appropriate num erical key; if not, use the keys to highlight your selection, and press O K . Play w ill stop at the end of the Title, this can result in return to the m enu . To go on to the next Title, press . To stop play at any other tim e, press Stop . You

can resume play from the point at w hich you stopped . Press

w hen you see the

icon on the

screen .




T he feature applies, not only to the disc in the player, but also to the last four discs you

have played .




S imply reload the disc, press if the disc has been stopped, and w hen you see the

icon on

the screen, press again .




M oving to Another Chapter

W hen a title on a disc has m ore than one chapter, you can m ove to another chapter as follow s:

P ress

briefly during play to step forw ard to the next chapter.


P ress

briefly during play to return to the beginning of the current chapter. P ress


again to step back to the previous chapter.


To go directly to any chapter, enter the chapter num ber using the num erical keys (0 -9).

NO TE: If th e n um ber has m o re th an one d ig it, press the nu m bers in rap id successio n. For m ore in form atio n abou t chapters, see “Checking the con tents of DVD -Video d iscs: M enu s”.

M oving to Another Title

W hen a disc has m ore than one title (w hich you can see from the O S D ), you can m ove to another

title as follow s:


Press T -C , then press

briefly during play to step forw ard to the next Title .

P ress T -C , then press

briefly during play to return to the beginning of the current title .

P ress

briefly again to step back to the previous title .

To go directly to any title, press T -C , then enter the title num ber using the num erical keys.

NO TE: If th e n um ber has m o re th an one d ig it, press the nu m erical (0-9) keys in rapid

su ccession . F or m ore info rm ation abo ut chap ters, see “C heckin g th e co ntents of DVD - Video discs: M enus” .

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Audiovox 3200 owner manual Laying a Title, Oving to Another Chapter, Oving to Another Title