2 . U se the or
key to m ove to the first track number you w ant to exclude .
3 . P ress the key.
4 . E xclude further track numbers in the same w ay. If you change your m ind, you can re
any track num ber by m oving back to it and pressing the key.
5 . To clear your w hole selection and start again, press stop on the D VD player or R ET U R N on the rem ote control.
W hen your FTS program is com plete, press to start play, or R ETU R N to go back to S TO P m ode . In either case, the FTS program w ill be autom atically m em orized .
To select Tracks:
1 . Load a disc and go to the S TO P m ode.
2 . P ress .
3 . U se the or
key to move to the first track you w ant to select.
4 . P ress the key.
5 . S elect further track num bers in the sam e way. If you change your m ind, you can
de key as required .
6.To clear your w hole selection and start again, press S TO P on the D V D player or R E TU R N on the rem ote control.
W hen your F TS program is com plete, press the to start play, or R E TU R N to go back to S TO P m ode. In either case, the FT S program w ill be autom atically mem orized .
NO TE: You can have a to tal of 100 FTS prog ram m ed discs. If you exceed th at num ber, the least frequently played program (s) are autom atically deleted .