G etting Started
Loading a D isc
1) Insert the D V D disc into the front slot on the D V D 3200 .
2)M ake sure that you insert the disc w ith the label side up.
3)The disc should begin playing, if pow er is available to the D V D player, even though the player is of initially off. If the D VD player is off but pow er is available, the player w ill autom atically turn on
w hen the disc is inserted .
Playing a DVD -Video Disc
You w ill recognize D V D
NO TE: During play, various icon s w ill appear on th e TV screen fo r abo ut 2 second s to con firm that a fu nction has been selected. You can get rid o f th ese icon s by pressin g the O SD key on the rem ote. At an y tim e during play, you can press OSD to call up the Play Ban ner, wh ich show s yo u wh ich fun ctions are active, for about 2 seco nds. To keep the Play Banner on the screen, h old OSD fo r a cou ple of secon ds. To get rid of th e Play Ban ner, p ress th e O SD ag ain.