Call Inbox
Initiating a call from the Call InboxWhen you receive a call that is missed or answered, the calling number is
listed in the Inbox. You can select the number, and then dial from the
Inbox, or you can edit the number in the Inbox.
To initiate a call from the Call Inbox, press the Msg/Inbox fixed key and
select Inbox from the menu.
Note 1: If your service provider requires that a Directory Number
(DN) be used to initiate a call, the Call Inbox entry must have the DN
to initiate a call.
Note 2: While you are on a call, you can initiate a new call from the
Call Inbox. For more information, see “Accessing the calls in your Call
Inbox during a call” on page 189.
AutoManual4. Choose one of the following:
— Press the Auto context-sensitive
soft key to change the clearing mode
for the xx new calls missed call
message for the IP Deskphone.
Note: Auto means that the message is
cleared from the idle screen as soon as
you enter the Inbox.
— Press the Manual context-sensitive
soft key to change the clearing mode
for the xx new calls missed call
message for the IP Deskphone.
Note: Manual means that the message
is cleared from the idle screen only after
you look at the call detail for every newly
missed call in the Inbox.