Additional features
Feature key autoprogrammingThe feature key autoprogramming provides the user with the ability to
cause the phone to detect all unused programmable keys, and to
automatically fill them as Speed Dial keys, Send IM keys, or Call
Forwarding keys using the user Friends list or the user Address Book.
The feature key autoprogramming also provides the user with the ability
to remove all programmed feature keys from the IP Deskphone.
Autoprogramming does not overwrite feature keys already programmed
and when the IP Deskphone detects if a feature key is already configured
with Speed Dial, Send IM, or Call Forward for contact, it does not create a
new instance.
Note: The autoprogramming feature options are dependent on your
service provider and IP Deskphone configuration. If you attempt to
use the autoprogram feature (Bulk context-sensitive soft key) for a
feature that is not available to you, the IP Deskphone displays the
message: This feature is disabled. Contact your
4. Choose one of the following:
— Press the Yes context-sensitive soft
key to confirm the removal of the
feature key.
— Press the No context-sensitive soft
key to return to the previous screen
without removing the feature key.