Figure C.6 - Isolated Solid State Input
Digital outputs are used to turn "ON" or turn "OFF" external devices. Outputs can be used to control solid state output modules, logic circuits, and relays. Caution must be taken not to exceed the power capability of the outputs. Refer to the DBM16 output specifications.
Setting the SDD16 module's output line to a "1" turns "ON" the DBM16's output line. Setting the SDD16 module's output line to a "0" turns "OFF" the DBM16's output driver. The DBM16 outputs are open collector current sinking drivers. Figures C.7 - C.9 show examples of some typical output interfaces.
Figure C.8 - Isolated Mechanical Output
Figure C.9 - Isolated Solid State Output
Figure C.7 - Solid State Output
| Appendix C | Appendix C |
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