| Pre |
| No Freight Damage (Components Tight, Straight, |
| Check That All Applicable Warning Decals Are In |
| Etc.). |
| Their Proper Place And Are Legible. |
| Proper Belt Alignment And Tensions. |
| The ATS Engine Start Wires and other DC Wires, |
| if Any, Must be Properly Connected. | |
| |
| Flex Fuel Lines Installed Between Engine And |
| All Wiring Connections are Tight. |
| Tank. |
| |
| |
| Fluid Levels (Oil, Antifreeze, Battery, Governor, |
| The Equipment Room is Clean & All Unrelated |
| Etc.) Check For Leaks, Tighten As Necessary. |
| Materials Removed. |
| Correct Fuel And Exhaust Plumbing. |
| The Equipment is Protected from Possible Fire |
| Damage by Fire Extinguisher System. | |
| |
| Adequate Air Flow. |
| Earthquake Protection (when Applicable) is |
| Adequate for the Equipment. | |
| |
| Correct AC Wire Sizes And Connections. |
| Open Generator Mainline Breaker or Remove |
| Fuses. | |
| |
| Correct DC Wire Sizes And Connections (Route |
| Turn Down Speed Potentiometer (Electronic |
| Governor) or Speed Screw (Mechanical | |
| Separate From AC). |
| |
| Governor). | |
| |
| Block Heater Is Operational. |
| Move Switch to "Manual". let the Engine Start & |
| Run. | |
| |
| Bleed And Prime The Fuel System; Check For |
| After a Few Minutes, Check Oil Pressure & Check |
| Leaks. Correct As Necessary. |
| for Leaks. |
| On Natural Gas Fueled Sets, Gas Pressure Of |
| Adjust the Speed to 60/50hz if Equipped with |
| Oz. Of Pressure With Adequate Volume Is |
| Electronic Governor or 63/53 Hz with Mechanical |
| Available. |
| Governor. |
| Gas Solenoid Valve Is Properly Functioning. |
| If Speed is Unstable, Adjust Per Engine or |
| Governor Manual. | |
| |
| Exhaust Line and Flexible Connections are |
| Adjust the AC Voltage to Match the Normal |
| Properly Installed Without Excessive Bends and |
| |
| Source. | |
| Restrictions. |
| |
| |
| Exhaust System Termination Properly Located to |
| Let the Unit Run Until Engine Reaches Proper |
| Prevent Entry of Exhaust Gas Into Building. |
| Water Temp. |
| Batteries Properly Filled with Electrolyte & |
| Close Generator Mainline Breaker or Replace |
| Properly Connected to the Engine. |
| Fuses.. |
| Battery Charger Must Be Properly Installed & |
| Manually |
| Connected to the Battery. Battery Must Be Fully |
| Shutdown |
| Charged Prior to |
| Hz on 50 Hz Generator Sets. |
| Generator Load Connectors of Proper Ampacity |
| Test Automatic |
| are Connected to Either the Circuit Breaker or the |
| Low Coolant Level, High Coolant Temperature, |
| Emergency Side of the Transfer Switch. |
| Overspeed set to ______Hz Other______) |
| The Nameplate Voltage & Frequency of the |
| UNIT***. Set Times to Customer's Request and | |
| Genset Matches that of ATS & Normal Source. |
| |
| Run a Simulated Power Outage. | |
| |
| Instruct the Customer in Proper Operation & |
| Maintenance of the System and Make Sure They |
| Have Correct Manuals. |
Comments: |
| |
Baldor Generators ƒ 3815 Oregon Street ƒ Oshkosh WI 54902