;Terminate Countdown (sec.): TerminateCountdown (0x00010001)
;Show Popup: ShowPopup (0x00010001)
;Close after Connect: CloseOnConnect (0x00010001)
HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn, | CustomerINF, 0x00000000, "%65600%\customer.inf" |
;important, do not remove
;Profile 1 Example with phion.lic (Default selected)
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, Default, | 0x00010001, | 1 |
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, dhcp, | 0x00010001, | 1 |
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, AuthType, | 0x00010001, | 0 |
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, Description, 0x00000000, | "phionLIC (Default)" | |
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, license, | 0x00000000, | "%65600%\customer.lic" |
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, server, | 0x00000000, | "" |
;Profile 2 Example with extern linked X509 PKCS#12 File
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, Default, 0x00010001, 0
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, dhcp, 0x00010001, 1
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, AuthType, 0x00010001, 1
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, AuthUser, 0x00010001, 1
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, description, 0x00000000, "Extern PKCS#12"
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, license, 0x00000000,
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, server, 0x00000000, ""
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, mode, 0x00010001, 2
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, hash, 0x00010001, 2
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, PrivateEncrypt, 0x00010001, 0
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, store, 0x00000000, " "
;Profile 3 Example with Microsoft Certificate Store Linked x509 Certificate
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, Default, 0x00010001, 0
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, dhcp, 0x00010001, 1
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, AuthType, 0x00010001, 1
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, AuthUser, 0x00010001, 1
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, description, 0x00000000,
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, license, 0x00000000, " "
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, server, 0x00000000, ""
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, mode, 0x00010001, 1
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, hash, 0x00010001, 1
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, PrivateEncrypt, 0x00010001, 1
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, store, 0x00000000, "MY"
;Profile 4 Example with phion.lic and Proxy Connection
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, Default, | 0x00010001, | 0 | |
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, dhcp, | 0x00010001, | 1 | |
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, Description, 0x00000000, | "PhionLIC with Proxy" | ||
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, | license, | 0x00000000, | "%65600%\customer.lic" |
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, | server, | 0x00000000, | "" |
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, Default, 0x00010001, 0
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, proxy, 0x00000000, "www.proxy.ip:3128"
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, proxyType, 0x00010001, 1
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, proxyuser, 0x00000000, "testUser"
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, proxydomain, 0x00000000, "PHION"
;HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, mode, 0x00000000, 1
;3, Customer Area
;Files for disk phion AG Customer Files #1
;filename = diskid[,[ subdir][, size]]
customer.inf,,,1 | ; if a phion license file is imported |
customer.lic,,,1 | |
active.i_fwrule,,,1 | ; if a firewall rule set is imported |
;Do not change any attribute beyond this line!