The customer.inf file directs copying of required files and insertion of registry entries. It is divided into three sections of interest ("Customer Areas"):

Customer Area [CustomerCopyFiles], page 74

Customer Area [CustomerReg], page 75

Customer Area [SourceDisksFiles], page 78

The content of the customer.inf file is treated case sensitive.

Do NOT rename the customer.inf file.

Remove nonessential parameters from the customer.inf file before applying it for Customer Setup.

The files customer.inf and silent.cmd are adapted to inclusion of a customer.lic file. If you are not importing a license (.lic) file during installation, delete the corresponding entries in both files. If you are using another name for the .lic file, do not forget to edit this file name within the installation files.

5.4.2Section "1. Customer Area" / [PhionCustomerCopyFiles]

Fig. 5–3Example for section [CustomerCopyFiles]


; destination-file-name[,source-file-name][,temporary-file-name][,flag]


; important, do not remove



if importing a

license file



if importing a

firewall rule set

Optionally, the following file-directives may be detailed:

Table 5–3File-directives applicable in the Customer Area" / [CustomerCopyFiles]






Specifies the name of the destination file. If no source-file-name is given, this specification is also the


name of the source file.




Specifies the name of the source file. If the source and destination file names for the file copy operation


are the same, source-file-name can be omitted.




Specifies the name of a temporary file to be created in the copy operation, if a file of the same name on


the destination is open or currently in use. Only used on Windows 9x/Me platforms. The NT-based


operating system automatically generates temporary file names when necessary and renames the


copied source files the next time the operating system is started.




These optional flags, expressed in hexadecimal notation or as a decimal value in a section entry, can


be used to control how (or whether) a particular source file is copied to the destination. One or more


(ORed) values for the following system-defined flags can be specified, but some of these flags are


mutually exclusive:




Copy the source file to the destination directory only if the file is already present in the destination





74 Client Installation

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Barracuda Networks VERSION SP4 manual Optionally, the following file-directives may be detailed, Directive Comment