Cleaning Up Messages
Go to menu: MMS > Cleanup. This option allows you to cleanup part of or all of the messages. The options for cleanup includes All, Inbox, All Read, Outbox, and Drafts.
Before you start to use MMS, go to menu: MMS > Settings to adjust the following settings:
Your phone will reject all MMS messages from the senders listed here.
Sets the length of time your outgoing MMS message stays on the server before it reaches the recipient successfully.
Reply Type
You can determine here whether you want to use an SMS message or MMS message in reply to an MMS message you have received.
Size Limit
Sets the maximum size for a message that the phone receives. If an incoming message exceeds this size, the phone will not be able to download that message.
Server Info
Activates the MMS server used for sending and receiving MMS messages.