Activating/deactivating the voicemail feature

You can request your operator to activate the voicemail feature by selecting Voicemail -->Voicemail on. Your phone will call your operator by dialing the number saved in Voicemail settings -->Box numbers -->Enable no..

Select Voicemial off to ask your operator to deactivate the voicemail feature. Your phone will call your operator by dialing the number saved in Voicemail settings -->Box numbers -->Disable no..

Cell Broadcast

Cell broadcast messages are the general messages that your network operator broadcasts to all phones in a particular area. These messages are broadcast in numbered channels. For example, channel 030 might be for local weather, 060 for traffic reports, 080 for information of local hospitals, taxis, pharmacies, etc., and so on and so forth.

You can receive cell broadcast messages that your operator broadcasts to you, and choose preferred subjects and languages.

8Please contact your operator for a list of available channels and the information they provide.

CB switch

Activates/deactivates the cell broadcast feature.

Read Cell Broadcast

Here you can read the messages that you want your operator to broadcast to you regularly. The name of the subject and the information will be displayed on the screen.

8To select the messages that you’d like to be sent regularly by your operator, go to Settings --> Set CB subjects.

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BenQ M555C user manual CB switch, Read Cell Broadcast, Activates/deactivates the cell broadcast feature