Color Scheme
There are five different color schemes for you to choose: Blue, Orange, Purple, Red, and Green.
You can set the display wallpaper playing style,playing period, and playing list here.
Playing style
You can set the wallpaper to be Static or Active on handset display.
Playing period
If you choose active wallpaper display, you can select the play cycle to be 10sec, 20sec, 30 sec, or 60sec.
Playing list
There are 10 preset wallpapers for you rto choose, you can check to select the wallpapers you want.
Backlight Level
Adjusts the brightness of your phone’s backlight. The backlight will be turned on the moment you touch any key on the keypad, or when your phone receives a call, message, etc.
Backlight Period
Adjusts the duration of your phone’s backlight.
Screen Contrast
Adjusts your phone’s screen contrast.