Listening to Voicemails

When your voicemail box receives a voicemail, your operator will give you a call or send you an SMS alert (i.e. a text message), in order to notify you of this new voicemail. (if the network vendor supports it, the

icon will be shown in the standby screen's status bar.)

Depending on how you are notified, there are two ways to access and listen to the voicemail:

1.If your operator sends you an SMS alert to inform you of a new voicemail, and the text of the SMS alert sent by your operator matches the text of the SMS alert previously stored in your phone-- this is called Alert Match--your phone will recognize this SMS alert

as a reminder of the new voicemail. Press to dial the voicemail box number to listen to the voice mail.

The rationale of the Alert Match feature is that, once you have received an SMS alert from your operator saying that you have a

waiting voicemail, you can directly press to listen to the voicemail, instead of having to return to the standby screen to dial your voicemail box number individually.

To successfully use the Alert Match feature, you must first save your operator's SMS alert. Please do so in the menu option: Messages > Voicemail > Settings > Alert Match.

2.If the text of the operator's SMS alert does not match the text of the SMS alert stored in the Alert Match option, or if your operator calls

to inform you of a new voicemail, long-press from the standby

Using Your Phone


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BenQ S700 user manual Listening to Voicemails