
Your network vendor will provide you with your voicemail inbox number and a number for accessing any other voicemail services. For detailed information about voicemail services, contact your network operator to see if you need to save a specific phone number to your phone in order to access your voicemail inbox.

To set up your voicemail box, go to Voicemail > Settings. See details on page 97.

Listening to a voicemail

When your voicemail box receives a voicemail, your operator gives you a call or sends you an SMS alert to remind you of the waiting voicemail. If the text of the SMS alert sent by your operator matches the text of the SMS alert previously stored in your phone--this is called Alert Match-- your phone will recognize this SMS alert as a reminder of a new voicemail.

To listen to the voicemail, simply press , and your phone will automatically dial your voicemail box number for you.

To set up the Alert Match feature, you must save your operator's SMS alert in advance. Please do so in Voicemail > Settings > Alert Match. See page 98.

Alternatively, if the text of the operator's SMS does not match the text of the SMS alert stored in the Alert Match option, or if your operator calls you to inform you of a new voicemail, you can access your voicemail by

selecting Voicemail > Get Voicemail, or long press directly from the standby screen.

96Using Your Phone

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BenQ S700 user manual Voicemail, Listening to a voicemail