2. By pressing or on the button [5], select the required list. You may choose
between the Protected and the General list.
3.Press OK [3] to confirm.
4.By pressing the button [5], select the View menu item, then press OK [3].
5. By pressing the or button [5], you may search for the required entry. You
also can search by capital letters. To do that, just press the appropriate letter, using the button [8].
6.If you wish to change the number in the protected list, move to step 7, or to step 9 in case of the general list.
7.Press the Options button [3].
8.By pressing the button [5], select the DETAILS menu item; then press OK [3].
9.Press the Options button [3].
10.By pressing the button [5], select the Edit menu item and then press OK [3].
11.To use the Edit function you may use the button [8], the directional button [5] and the DELETE button [4].
12.Press the Save button [3].
Copying entries in the phone book
You may copy stored telephone numbers from the protected list into the general list and vice versa.
1. With the telephone in the standby mode, press the Phone Book button [4].
2. By pressing the or button [5], select the required list. You may choose between the Protected and the General list.
3.Press OK [3] to confirm.
4.By pressing the button [5], select the View menu item, and then press OK [3].
5. By pressing the or button [5], you may search for the required entry. You also can search by capital letters. To do that, just press the appropriate letter, using the button [8].
6.If you are using the protected list, move to step 7. If you are using the general list, move to step 9.
7.Press the Options button [3].
8.By pressing the button [5], select the DETAILS menu item and afterwards press OK [3].
9.Press the Options button [3].
10.To copy a number into the protected list, press the button [5] and select the Protected List menu item, afterwards press OK [3].
To copy a number into the protected list, press the button [5] and select the