Transfer of numbers into the phone book
If in any list you find a number not recorded in the phone book, you may transfer that number into the phone book.
1.With the telephone in the standby mode, press the CALLS button [11].
2.By pressing the button [5], select the UNANSWERED, DIALED or RECEIVED menu item, then press OK [3].
3. By pressing the | or | button [5], you may search for the required entry. |
4.Press the Options button [3].
5.By pressing the button [5], select the DETAILS menu item, then press OK [3].
6.Press the Options button [3].
7.By pressing the button [5], select the GENERAL or PROTECTED menu item, then press OK [3].
8.For editing purposes you may use the buttons [8], the directional button [5] and the DELETE button [4].
9.Press the SAVE button [3].
To delete calls from the lists
1.With the telephone in the standby mode, press the CALLS button [11].
2.By pressing the button [5], select the UNANSWERED, DIALED or RECEIVED menu item, then press OK [3].
3. By pressing the | or | button [5], you may search for the required entry. |
4.Press the Options button [3].
5.By pressing the button [5], select the DETAILS menu item, then press OK [3].
6.Press the Options button [3].
7.By pressing the button [5], select the DELETE menu item, then press OK [3].
8.The LCD display [2] will show the inscription Confirm? Press OK [3] to confirm.
To empty lists
You can empty each list (unanswered, dialed, received) separately or all lists simultaneously.
1.With the telephone in the standby mode, press the CALLS button [11].
2.By pressing the button [5], select the DELETE menu item, then press OK [3].
3.By pressing the button [5], select the UNANSWERED, DIALED or RECEIVED or DELETE ALL menu items, then press OK [3].
4.The LCD display [2] will show the inscription Confirm? Press OK [3] to confirm.
To delete the call wàiting icon
This function (message) may not be supported by your network operator.