BSH Home Appliances - 5551 McFadden Avenue Huntington Beach,
CA 92649
How to Obtain Warranty Service: To obtain warranty service for your Product, you should contact the nearest Bosch authorized service center.
Out of Warranty Product:Bosch including cabinetry, floors, ceilings EXCESS OF DIRECT DAMAGES
is under no obligation, at law or and other structures or objects WHICH ARE DEFINITIVELY otherwise, to provide you with any around the Product. Also excluded CAUSED EXCLUSIVELY BY
concessions, including repairs, from this warranty are scratches, BOSCH, OR OTHERWISE. SOME pro-rates, or Product replacement, nicks, minor dents, and cosmetic STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE
once this warranty has expired. damages on external surfaces and EXCLUSION OR LIMITAITON OF
Warranty Exclusions:Theexposed parts; Products on which INCIDENTAL OR
warranty coverage described herein the serial numbers have been CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES,
excludes all defects or damage thataltered, defaced, or removed; AND SOME STATES DO NOT are not the direct fault of Bosch, service visits to teach you how to ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW including without limitation, one or use the Product, or visits where LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY
there is nothing wrong with the LASTS, SO THE ABOVE more of the following: (1) use of the
Product in anything other than its Product; correction of installation LIMITAITONS MAY NOT APPLY
normal, customary and intended problems (you are solelyTO YOU. THIS WARRANTY
manner (including withoutresponsible for any structure and GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL limitation, any form of commercial setting for the Product, including allRIGHTS AND YOU MAY ALSO
use, use or storage of an indoor electrical, plumbing or other HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH
product outdoors, use of the connecting facilities, for proper VARY FROM STATE TO STATE.
Product in conjunction with air or foundation/flooring, and for any No attempt to alter, modify or
water-going vessels); (2) any part's alterations including without amend this warranty shall be
willful misconduct, negligence, limitation cabinetry, walls, floors, effective unless authorized in writing
misuse, abuse, accidents, neglect, shelving, etc.); and resetting of by an officer of BSH.
improper operation, failure to breakers or fusesTO. THE
maintain, improper or negligent EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW,
installation, tampering, failure to THIS WARRANTY SETS OUT
follow operating instructions, YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES mishandling, unauthorized service WITH RESPECT TO PRODUCT, (including self-performed •fixing" or WHETHER THE CLAIM ARISES
exploration of the appliance's IN CONTRACT OR TORT internal workings); (4) adjustment, (INCLUDING STRICT LIABILITY, alteration or modification of any OR NEGLIGENCE OR
kind; (5) a failure to comply with any
applicable state, local, city, or IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER county electrical, plumbing and/or WARRANTIES, WHETHER building codes, regulations, or laws, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ANY
including failure to install the WARRANTY IMPLIED BY LAW, product in strict conformity with WHETHER FOR
local fire and building codes and MECHANTABILITY OR FITNESS regulations; (6) ordinary wear and FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, tear, spills of food, liquid, grease OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE accumulations, or other substances EFFECTIVE ONLY FOR THE that accumulate on, in, or around PERIOD THAT THIS EXPRESS the product; and (7) any external, LIMITED WARRANTY IS
elemental and/or environmental EFFECTIVE. IN NO EVENT WILL
forces and factors, including THE MANUFACTURER BE without limitation, rain, wind, sand, LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, floods, fires, mud slides, freezing SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, temperatures, excessive moisture INDIRECT, •BUSINESS LOSS•, or extended exposure to humidity, AND/OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, lightning, power surges, structural LOSSES, OR EXPENSES, failures surrounding the appliance, INCLUDING WITHOUT
and acts of God. In no event shallLIMITATION TIME AWAY FROM
Bosch have any liability or WORK, HOTELS AND/OR
responsibility whatsoever for RESTAURANT MEALS, damage to surrounding property, REMODELLING EXPENSES IN
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Bosch Appliances Nexxt DLX manual