20 en Adding Storage

DSDA iSCSI Disk Array Series



9.Volume Parameters:

Volume Name: Enter a name for the new volume. The name should consist of the word vol and the ID of the disk shelf you just added (e.g. the volume for the first shelf you are adding to your storage system will be vol1, the volume for the second shelf will be called vol2 and so on).

Leave the second and third parameter to their default value and enable Double Parity. Click Next.

10.RAID Group Size: Set to 14. Click Next.

11.Disk Selection: Set to Automatic. Click Next.

12.Disk Type: Select Any Type. Click Next.

13.Disk Size: Select Any Size. Click Next.

14.Number of Disks: Select the maximum value available. Click Next.

15.The changes are summarized on the Commit screen. Click Commit to apply the new settings.

By default, one disk is left as a spare disk. If no spare disk is needed, this disk can be added to the volume manually. To do so, please continue with step 16. If you would like to keep the spare disk, please continue with step 20.

16.In the navigation panel, select Filer > Use Command Line.

17.Enter vol add vol1 1 (... vol add vol2 1 ... vol add vol3 1 ... and so on, depending on the volume you are setting up).

18.A warning displays. Enter y (yes) to confirm the action. A message confirms that the disk has been added.

19.Click Disconnect to disconnect from the command line console.

20.In the navigation panel, select Volumes > Manage.

21.Click the name of the new volume to open the Volume Properties.

22.Click Modify to change the properties. The Modify Volume Wizard displays.

23.Volume: Verify that the newly created volume is selected. Click Next.

V 1 2008.08

Installation Guide

Bosch Security Systems