Page 20
Manual Operating Instructions
To Manually Lower Outboard Roll Stop:
1. Remove hairpin cotter from
detent pin.
2. Remove detent pin to detach
roll stop actuator from roll stop.
3. Push roll stop to the down
(ramp - horizontal) position.
Note: The lift will not raise from
ground level without the roll
stop release pin reinstalled,
which fully engages and
activates the roll stop down
switch (details below).
Before inserting
detent pin.
Roll Stop Down Switch
Push switch IN fully.
Outboard Roll Stop
Cotter Detent Pin
Roll Stop
Note: Actuator
shown exploded
from lift for clarity.
To Reengage Outboard Roll Stop:
Note: The lift will not raise from ground level without
the roll stop release pin reinstalled, which fully
engages and activates the roll stop down switch.
1. Position shaft end of roll stop actuator between
roll stop mounting tabs (ears). Align mounting
holes. Note: Rotate roll stop to vertical position
or position needed to align mounting holes.
2. Read caution!
Push the roll stop
down switch
inward (toward
vehicle) and insert
detent pin.
Failure to do so
will result in
switch breakage!
3. Insert hairpin cotter in detent pin to secure roll
stop actuator to roll stop.
Push roll stop down
switch inward when
inserting detent pin.
Failure to do so will
result in switch