Fish sauce
A thin, salty dark brown sauce with a distinctive fishy
smell, which is used extensively in Thai and
Vietnamese cookery.It is made from small fish that
have been fermented in the sun. Fish sauce replaces
salt in many recipes.
Garam marsala
A blend of spices, usually consisting of some
combination of cinnamon, cumin,pepper, cloves,
cardamom, nutmeg and mace.It can be bought
already blended from supermarkets, but it is best
freshly made. It is usually added towards the end of
Green Ginger Wine
An Australian made alcoholic sweet wine infused with
finely ground ginger.
Hoisin sauce
This sauce is a thick sweet Chinese barbecue sauce
made from a mixture of salted black beans, onions
and garlic.
Hoikkien noodles
Also known as fukkien, these are thick,yellow and
rubbery in texture.They are made from wheat flour
and are cooked and lightly oiled before being
packaged and sold.The noodles need to be broken
up before cooking.
Rice noodles
These are fresh white noodles, they do not require a
lot of cooking.
Kaffir lime leaves
These are dark green, shiny,double leaves which
have a very pungent perfume.They are ra ther thick
and must be sliced very finely for use as a garnish, or
added whole in a curry.
Lemon grass
An aromatic fresh herb that is used in curry pastes,
stir fries and soups.Trim the base, remove the tough,
outer layers and finely slice, chop or pound the white
interior.Whole stems can be added to soups or
curries. Dried lemon grass needs to be soaked in
water,but the flavor of fresh is superior.
Delicious fruit with a light texture and flavor,peel
away the rough skin, remove the seed and use.They
are also available in cans.
Rice wine vinegar
Milder than most western vinegars, it usually has an
acidity of less than 4%. It has a mild,sweet, delicate
flavor and is made from rice.