1Insert the enclosed CD-ROM into the com- puter’s CD-ROM drive. A dialog box auto- matically appears, allowing you to select what to install.
☞If the dialog box does not automatically appear, double-click “My Computer” on the desktop, and then double-click the
CD-ROM drive containing the CD-ROM. (For Windows® XP, click “My Computer” in the Start menu, and then double-click the CD-ROM drive containing the CD-ROM.)
Next, double-click “Setup.exe” to dis- play the dialog box.
2Click the upper button (P-touch Editor). The InstallShield® Wizard for installing the P-touch Editor software starts up, and then the Welcome dialog box appears.
☞To install just the printer driver, click the lower button (Driver). The first Driver Setup dialog box appears, informing you that the PT-2600/2610 printer driver will be installed. Con- tinue with the procedure in INSTALL- ING THE PRINTER DRIVER on page 13.
To install the P-touch Quick Editor software, click the middle button (P- touch Quick Editor). Continue with the procedure in INSTALLING THE P-