1Insert the enclosed CD-ROM into the com- puter’s CD-ROM drive. A dialog box auto- matically appears, allowing you to select what to install.

If the dialog box does not automatically appear, double-click “My Computer” on the desktop, and then double-click the

CD-ROM drive containing the CD-ROM. (For Windows® XP, click “My Computer” in the Start menu, and then double-click the CD-ROM drive containing the CD-ROM.)

Next, double-click “Setup.exe” to dis- play the dialog box.

2Click the upper button (P-touch Editor). The InstallShield® Wizard for installing the P-touch Editor software starts up, and then the Welcome dialog box appears.

To install just the printer driver, click the lower button (Driver). The first Driver Setup dialog box appears, informing you that the PT-2600/2610 printer driver will be installed. Con- tinue with the procedure in INSTALL- ING THE PRINTER DRIVER on page 13.

To install the P-touch Quick Editor software, click the middle button (P- touch Quick Editor). Continue with the procedure in INSTALLING THE P-