On an IBM PC-compatible computer:

If a shortcut was added to the StartUp menu:

P-touch Quick Editor automatically starts when the computer is started up.

If a shortcut was added to the desktop:

Double-click the P-touch Quick Editor icon on the desktop.

If a shortcut was added to the Quick Launch toolbar:

Double-click the P-touch Quick Editor icon in the Quick Launch toolbar.

If no shortcuts were added:

1 Click the Start button in the taskbar to display the Start menu. 2 Select “Programs”.

3 Click “P-touch Quick Editor”.

When P-touch Quick Editor is started, the following window is displayed.


Label view

P-touch Quick Editor can be hidden or displayed by clicking its icon in the system tray, at the right of the taskbar.

On a Macintosh computer:

Double-click the P-touch Quick Editor icon in the P-touch Quick Editor folder installed on the computer.

When the P-touch Quick Editor is started, the following window is displayed.


Label view

To view the help for P-touch Quick Editor, double-click “Help.html” in the P-touch Quick Editor folder installed on the computer.