PhotoCapture Center™ requirementsTo avoid error conditions, please remember:
■The DPOF file on the media card must be in a valid format.
(See DPOF printing on page 9-8.)
■The image file extension mus t be .JPG (Other image file
extensions .JPEG, .TIF, .GIF and so on will not be recognized).
■Walk-up PhotoCapture Center™ printing must be performed
separately from PhotoCapt ure Center™ operations using the PC.
(Simultaneous operatio n is not available.)
■IBM Microdrive™ is not compatible with the MFC.
■The MFC can read up to 999 files in a media card.
■Use only Smart media cards with a 3.3v voltage rating.
■CompactFlash® Type II is not supported.
When printing the INDEX or IMAGE, the PhotoCapture Center™
will print all the valid images, even if one or more images have
been corrupted. A portion of the corrupted image may be printed.
Your MFC is designed to read media cards that have been
formatted by a digital camera.
When a digital camera formats a media card it creates a special
folder into which it copies image data. If you need to modify the
image data stored on a media c ard with your PC, we
recommend that you do not mod ify the folder structure created
by the digital camera. When saving new or modifi ed image files
to the media card we also recommend you use the same folder
your digital camera uses. If the data is not saved to the same
folder the MFC may not be able to read the file or print the