TrademarksThe Brother logo is a reg istered trademark of Broth er Industries, Ltd.
Brother is a registered trad emark of Brother Industries, Lt d.
Multi-Function Link is a registered trademark of Brother Internationa l
© 2004 Brother Industries, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Windows and Microsoft are r egistered trademarks of Microsoft in the
U.S. and other countries.
Macintosh and TrueType are re gistered trademarks of Apple
Computer, Inc.
PaperPort and OmniPage OC R are registered trademarks of
ScanSoft, Inc.
Presto! PageManager is a regi stered trademark of NewSoft
Technology Corporati on.
Microdrive is a trademark of International Business Machine
SmartMedia is a registered trademark of Toshiba Corporation.
CompactFlash is a registere d trademark of SanDisk Corporatio n.
Memory Stick is a registered t rademark of Sony Corporation.
SecureDigital is a tradem ark of Matsushita Elect ric Industrial Co.L td.,
SanDisk Corporation and Tosh iba Corporation.
SanDisk is a licensee of the S D and miniSD trademarks.
xD-Picture Card is a trademark of Fujifilm Co.Ltd., Toshiba
Corporation and Olympu s Optical Co. Ltd.
Memory Stick Duo and MagicGate are trademarks of Sony
Each company whose software title is mentioned in this manual has
a Software License Agreement specific to its proprietary progr ams.
All other brand and product names mentioned in this User’s
Guide, the Software User’s Guide, and the Network User’s
Guide (MFC-420CN only) are registered trad emarks of their
respective companies.