Chapter 3

Send a cover page for the next fax

If you want to send a cover page for the next fax, you can add the cover page.

a Do one of the following:

When Fax Preview is set to Off,

press (Fax).

When Fax Preview is set to On, press

(Fax) and

Sending Fax(es).

b Press Options.

c Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display Coverpage Setup.

d Press Coverpage Setup.

e Press Coverpage Setup.

f Press On.

g Press Coverpage Message.

h Swipe up or down, or press a or b to choose the comment you want to use, and then press the comment.

Press . i Press OK.

j Enter the fax number. k Press Fax Start.


Using a printed cover page

If you want a printed cover page you can write on, print the sample page and attach it to your fax.

a Press .

b Press All Settings.

c Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display Fax.

d Press Fax.

e Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display Setup Send.

f Press Setup Send.

g Press Coverpage Setting. h Press Print Sample.

i Press OK.