Answer call | 14 | Quickdial | 30 |
Baby alarm | 25, 31 | Quick search | 18 |
Backlight | 24 | Range | 6 |
Base name | 35 | Redial | 14 |
Base selection | 34 | Registering with base stations | 8 |
Base stations | 33 | Removing registration | 10 |
Beeps | 23, 41 | Reset | 26 |
Buzzing | 41 | Ringer tone | 22 |
DECT | 4 | Ringer volume | 21 |
Directory | 14 | Security | 29 |
Display symbols | 11 | Settings | 21 |
Emergency calls | 31, 41 | Shortcut | 36 |
Ending a call | 13 | Store numbers | 14 |
Extension number | 8, 9, 35 | Switchboards | 27, 42 |
Handset | 6 | Technical information | 42 |
Help | 41 | Transferring calls | 15, 17 |
Installation | 6 | Volume | 21, 22 |
Internal calls | 15 | Warnings | 42 |
Language | 24 |
Lock | 30 |
Loudspeaker | 13 |
Mains power | 6 |
Maintenance | 40 |
Making and receiving calls | 13 |
Menus | 11 |
15, 16 |
| |
Outgoing call barring | 30 |
Pause | 27 |
Phonebook | 17 |
capacity | 20 |
change entries | 19 |
copy entries | 20 |
delete entries | 19 |
PIN | 29 |