SNA Status and Configuration
Routing Subscriber ID
This Þeld associates a Subscriber ID with the LLC2 host. Enter a number up to 15
digits. An asterisk wildcard can be used as a Þnal digit (but the ? wildcard is not
valid). If fewer than 15 digits are entered, an asterisk must be the Þnal character.
The Routing Subscriber ID partially deÞnes the Local Subscriber ID in the
Connections Table deÞned for each LLC2 host (see ConÞguring LLC2 Host
Connections, page 7-24).
Source MAC Address Mask
This parameter is used to identify the FRX and SmartSwitch 1800 to inbound
frames from a local LAN in an Originated LLC2 session. (If you have selected
Terminated as your Session Type, this Þeld will be grayed out.)
Source address masks and host MAC addresses are placed in a forwarding list
that is checked by the Þrmware when a frame is received. If the MAC address in
an incoming frame matches a conÞgured Source MAC Address Mask, the frame
will be passed through the node for transmission out the frame relay interface.
Enter an address up to eight hexadecimal digits. The Þrst digit must be 4, 5, 6, or
7, and an asterisk wildcard can be used as a Þnal digit. If fewer than eight actual
digits (not including an asterisk) are speciÞed, zeros will be added to total eight
actual digits. This value must not conßict with the Locally Administered MAC
Address described in your FRX and SmartSwitch 1800 hardware documentation.
Interface Number
This read-only Þeld deÞnes the LLC2 interface number associated with this host
entry and will always be 300.
Changing Configuration Values
You can edit the values in any Þeld which provides a text box or menu button
selection; to do so:
1. To edit a text field, remove the existing value and enter the new value.
2. To edit a field with a menu button, click on the button to display a list of
options, then drag down to select the option you want.
If you have made changes to the fields but would like to revert back to the
previous values, click on the Refresh button.
3. Click on to save your changes.
When conÞguring priorities, be sure to consider the types of trafÞc being routed on other
connections in the node.