IPX Interface Configuration
10-6 Configuring IPX InterfacesDiagnostics Enabled
This parameter determines the IPX interfaceÕs ability to handle Novell diagnostic
packets. If Yes is selected, IPX will forward or respond to a diagnostic packet
depending on the packetÕs address. If No is selected, the IPX interface will ignore
Novell diagnostic packets. The default value for this parameter is No.
Serialization Enabled
This parameter determines whether NetWare Þle server serialization security
frames will be forwarded on the interface. These broadcast frames are used by
Novell to hold information regarding the licensing of the Þle server executables.
If Yes is selected, these frames will be forwarded; if No, they will not. Selecting
No allows Þltering of these broadcasts to reduce WAN trafÞc, and is not intended
to interfere with copyright-protection mechanisms. The default value for this
parameter is No.
WAN Enabled
This parameter is conÞgurable only if you have selected Frame Relay or X.25 as
your Interface Type. It determines whether NovellÕs IPXWAN protocol will be
used (if Yes) or not (if No) on the IPX interface. IPXWAN speciÞes a method for
IPX routers to communicate across WAN links. The default value for this
parameter is No.
NetBIOS Enabled
This parameter determines whether Novell-encapsulated NetBIOS frames
received on the IPX interface will be processed (if Yes) or discarded (if No). The
default value for this parameter is No.
Periodic SAP Enabled
This Þeld determines whether the FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 will originate
periodic IPX Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) messages from this interface.
(The SAP Enabled parameter must be set to Yes, see below). These messages
inform the network which SAP entries in the routing table are viable. The default
value for this parameter is No.
SAP Enabled
If Yes is selected, the IPX interface will support Service Advertising Protocol
(SAP) processing; if No, it will not. SAP is used by IPX to exchange information
about Novell service-providing nodes, such as Þle servers and print servers that
are available. SAP builds and maintains a database, the Service Advertisement
Table, containing the addresses of and routes to speciÞc service-providing nodes
(servers), and advertises this information over the network. The default value for
this parameter is No.