Trap Messages 3-11
Configuring the Trap Table
PAD Link Failed 413
Severity Major (Level 2)
Action Check the async PAD port and its cables for proper operation and
secure connection.
Beginning of Congestion 414
The level of Maximum Congestion speciÞed in the Node Defaults record has been
exceeded, and no more events will be put into the event buffer until the Minimum
Congestion level (also speciÞed in the Node Defaults record) has been reached.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
Action If this occurs frequently, you may want to increase the level of
Maximum Congestion speciÞed in the Node Defaults record.
End of Congestion, “n” events lost 415
The Minimum Congestion level has been reached. (See event 414, above.)
Severity Informational (Level 4)
PAD Autocall Retries Exhausted 416
The async PAD retry timer has expired without a connection being established.
Severity Minor (Level 3)
Action None; however, if this occurs with any frequency, you may want
to increase the timer (Retry Count) or check the remote async
device for problems.
Frame Relay Link Failed 417
The physical link is down.
Severity Critical (Level 1)
Action Check the cables for secure connections and proper operation.
PU Status p = “n” stn = 0x”n” status = “n” 426
The SDLC PU status has changed.
Severity Major (Level 2)