Configuring the Trap Table
DLCI “n” Frame Relay Header Invalid 541
The header contained an invalid DLCI.
Severity Minor (Level 3)
Action Check the conÞguration record for the port.
DLCI “n” PVC does not exist 542
Severity Minor (Level 3)
Action Create a PVC record.
DLCI “n” Frame Discarded—CIR 543
A frame was discarded, probably because the excess burst size (BE) was exceeded.
Severity Minor (Level 3)
Action The frame must be resent.
DLCI “n” frame relay PVC deleted 545
Severity Informational (Level 4)
DLCI “n” frame relay PVC connected 546
Severity Informational (Level 4)
DLCI “n” Data Received on Inactive PVC 547
One end of the PVC is probably not up.
Severity Minor (Level 3)
Action Check both ends of the PVC.
DLCI “n” No STATUS ENQ Received 548
No Status Enquiry was received when one was expected.
Severity Minor (Level 3)
Action Check the remote device.
LLC Interface File Upd: LLC2IPAR.DAT 561
The LLC2 Interface Þle has been updated.
Severity Informational (Level 4)