Configuring IPX Interfaces 10-3
IPX Interface Configuration
2. Drag down to IPX Interface Configuration, and release. The IPX Interface
Configuration window, Figure 10-2, will appear.
Figure 10-2. The IPX Interface ConÞguration Window
The list box at the top of the window displays the IPX interfaces that have already
been conÞgured; the Þelds and buttons in the lower portion of the window allow
you to add new entries, and modify or delete existing ones.
Following is a description of the IPX Interface parameters. Which parameters you
will conÞgure for each interface depends on the IPX Interface Type you select
(see IPX Interface Type deÞnition below).
Interface Number
In this Þeld, enter an interface number 1 to 64. This is merely a sequential number
used to identify the interface.