SmartSwitch 1800 Voice Configuration
DTMF tones are passed transparently to the remote device. Enter 1 to enable
DTMF: the SmartSwitch will detect incoming tones and regenerate them as
received. Enter 2-255 to specify a number of seconds the SmartSwitch will
regenerate DTMF tones (including call setup). The default value for this
parameter is 1, enable DTMF.
TE Timer
The Timed E Timer parameter is relevant only if Interface (see below) is EM. It is
the time (in seconds) of the delay after which the EM ÒEÓ lead follows the ÒMÓ
lead. The default value for this parameter is 3.
Call Timer
This Þeld is the amount of time (in seconds) the SmartSwitch 1800 will wait for a
response to a Call Connect or a Call Clear request. When the SmartSwitch issues
the Call Connect or Call Clear request, it will set a timer to the value conÞgured
here. If that timer expires with no response from the destination, the SmartSwitch
will generate a busy tone. The default value for this parameter is 5.
Dial Timer
This is the delay (in seconds) the SmartSwitch 1800 will use to determine when
variable-length dialing is complete. (Variable-length dialing allows the user to
place a call without entering the conÞgured number of digits for the speed dial
When the operator of the attached voice/fax equipment dials a digit that is not
the conÞgured Long Dial PreÞx (see below), the SmartSwitch 1800 assumes a
speed-dial number is being dialed and activates the Dial Timer. If the timer
expires with no new digit entries, the SmartSwitch will assume dialing is
The default value for this parameter is 0. A setting of 0 means the Dial Timer will
never expire. The SmartSwitch 1800 will wait indeÞnitely for the operator to enter
the digits.
If the number of dialed digits is less than the value speciÞed for Dial Digits in the
Voice Parameters window (see ConÞguring System-Level Voice Parameters,
page 12-2), the SmartSwitch will ÒpadÓ the dialed number with leading zeros
before searching the speed-dial conÞguration map. For example, assume Dial
Digits is 4 and the user has dialed 33 when the Dial Timer expires. The speed dial
number 0033 will be used to search the speed-dial map for a deÞned destination.
Note that regardless of the Dial Timer setting, any of the following conditions
and/or conÞgurations will disable variable-length dialing:
¥ Long-call-format dialing is being used. The SmartSwitch 1800 assumes this
format is being used if the Þrst digit dialed is the character conÞgured for Long
Dial PreÞx (see below);
¥ The Num Digits Delete parameter (see below) is set to any value greater
than 0;
¥Auto Dial (see below) is set to Enabled.