Configuring Voice Interfaces 12-15
SmartSwitch 1800 Voice Configuration
calls while the composite link is down. This parameter affects on-hook channels
only when the link-down condition occurs. Active calls remain in progress until
they return to on-hook. The default value for this parameter is Enabled.
Fax Supported
This speciÞes whether or not faxes will be transmitted on the port. If No is
selected, all calls will be treated as voice. If Yes is selected, both voice and fax will
be transmitted. In most cases, this parameter should be enabled, to allow both
voice and fax calls to be processed. The default value for this parameter is Yes.
If a voice call experiences excessive noise while this parameter is enabled, the
SmartSwitch 1800 might interpret it as a fax call. Disabling this parameter will
cause the call to be treated as voice regardless of noise conditions.
Changing Port Configuration Values
You can edit the values in any Þeld which provides a text box or menu button
selection; to do so:
1. To edit a text field, remove the existing value and enter the new value.
2. To edit a field with a menu button, click on the button to display a list of
options, then drag down to select the option you want.
3. Click on to save your changes.
Applying Port-level Changes
After you have made any port-level conÞguration changes, your changes will not
take effect until you have done an on-line update. To do so:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the port you have been configuring to display the Port
2. Drag down to On-line Update and release.
Configuring Voice InterfacesVoice ports connect the SmartSwitch 1800 to telephony equipment. Connections to
the frame relay network are made over Voice Interfaces, which are assigned to
DLCIs on physical frame relay ports.
A Voice Interface conÞguration contains node numbers that identify the local
SmartSwitch 1800 and the device at the remote end of the frame relay connection.
When a call is received, the dialing scheme in the SmartSwitch 1800 checks the
node number addressed in the call against a list maintained by the Þrmware. If
the number is that of the remote node (called the ÒpeerÓ node), the call is
forwarded out the frame relay port.