Configuring BSCI Devices 8-11
BSC Interactive Configuration
Transparent Text Support
If Yes is selected, then all transmitted characters, including control character
sequences, are treated as data. This parameter is useful for transmitting binary
data and machine language computer programs without special coding.
Data-link control character sequences transmitted this way must be preceded by a
Data Link Escape (DLE) character (a value of 10 in hex) in order to be recognized
as control characters.
The default value for this parameter is No.
Printer Attached
If Yes is selected, the device has an attached printer; if No, it does not. The default
value for this parameter is No.
Adding or Modifying BSCI Device InformationTo add a new BSCI Device entry:
1. Enter the Control Unit ID, the Device Unit ID, and the other configurable
values for the entry.
2. Click on to add your new entry.
To modify an existing Device entry:
1. In the list box, click to select the Device entry you wish to modify. The selected
entry will be highlighted. (Note that you can only modify one entry at a time.)
2. Edit the fields, as desired. If you have made some changes but would like to
return to the original values, click on the Refresh button.
3. Click on to modify the selected entry.
To delete an existing Device entry:
1. In the list box, click to select the Device entry you wish to delete. The selected
entry will be highlighted. (Note that you can only delete one entry at a time.)
2. Click on to delete the selected entry.
Applying Port-level Changes
After you have made any port-level conÞguration changes, your changes will not
take effect until you have done an on-line update. To do so:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the port you have been configuring to display the Port
2. Drag down to On-line Update and release.