Cabletron Systems NB30 manual NB-30 Bridge Port Status Display, Chassis Manager

Models: NB30

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The NB-30 Bridge Chassis View

The NB-30 Bridge Port Status Display

Each port display on the NB-30 will indicate that portÕs current bridging state:

FWD (Forwarding)

(Green) The port is on line and forwarding packets across


the NB-30 from one network segment to another.

DIS (Disabled)

(Blue) Bridging at the port has been disabled by


management; no trafÞc can be received or forwarded on


this port, including conÞguration information for the


bridged topology.

LRN (Learning)

(Magenta) The Forwarding database is being created, or


the Spanning Tree Algorithm is being executed because


of a network topology change. The port is monitoring


network trafÞc, and learning network addresses.

LIS (Listening)

(Magenta) The port is not adding information to the


Þltering database. It is monitoring Bridge Protocol Data


Unit (BPDU) trafÞc while preparing to move to the


forwarding state.

BLK (Blocking)

(Orange) The port is on line, but Þltering trafÞc from


going across the NB-30 from one network segment to


another. Bridge topology information will be forwarded


by the port.

BRK (Broken)

(Red) The physical interface has malfunctioned.

Chassis Manager

Like most networking devices, CabletronÕs devices draw their functionality from a collection of proprietary MIBs and IETF RFCs. In addition, CabletronÕs newer intelligent devices organize their MIB data into a series of Òcomponents.Ó A MIB component is a logical grouping of MIB data, and each group controls a deÞned set of objects. Note that there is no one-to-one correspondence between MIBs and MIB components; a single MIB component might contain objects from several different proprietary MIBs and RFCs.

The Chassis Manager window, Figure 2-4,is a read-only window that displays the MIBs and the MIB components Ñ and, therefore, the functionality Ñ supported by the currently monitored device.

To view the Chassis Manager window:

1.Click on Help on the far right of the menu bar at the top of the Chassis View window.

2.Drag down to MIBs Supported, and release.


Viewing Chassis Information

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Cabletron Systems NB30 manual NB-30 Bridge Port Status Display, Chassis Manager