Cabletron Systems NB30 Resetting Bridge Counters, Restarting the Bridge, Select Restore Defaults

Models: NB30

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NB-30 Bridging

¥All Spanning Tree Algorithm information screens back to their default values. You must also restart the bridge for the new Spanning Tree information to take effect.

¥Ageing Time on Filtering Database Screen back to 300 seconds

¥DSX-1 Test Pattern to Alternate 1/0s

¥DSX-1 Channel Assignment returns to all Enabled (read-only from remote management)

The following operating parameters can only be accessed through Local Management or via the MIB Tools utility. Restored defaults will be evident in the next Local Management session. Refer to your NB-30 Local Management documentation for more information.


¥Ethernet Port 2 Name to ETHERNET PORT 2

¥Net Name for Enet Port 2 to LAN_2

¥Number of Restarts to 0

¥Default Ethernet Port to Port 1

¥Enable Redundancy to NO

¥Redundancy Poll Address (Ethernet Port 1/2) to 00-00-00-00-00-00

¥Redundancy Poll Interval (Ethernet Port 1/2) to 5 seconds

¥Redundancy Poll Max Retries to 6

¥Type of Filtering to IEEE 802.1

¥DSX-1 Channel Assignment returns to all Enabled

To reset parameters to their defaults:

1.Click on Bridge. A menu will appear.

2.Select Restore Defaults.

Resetting Bridge Counters

You can use the Reset Counters option to reset all statistics counters at the device back to zero. To do so:

1.Click on Bridge. A menu will appear.

2.Select Reset Counters.

Restarting the Bridge

You can use the Restart Bridge option to force the bridge to undergo a software reset. This will clear all statistics counters at the device back to zero and cause the Spanning Tree to be reconÞgured.

1.Click on Bridge. A menu will appear.

2.Select Restart Bridge.


Resetting Bridge Counters

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Cabletron Systems NB30 Resetting Bridge Counters, Restarting the Bridge, Select Restore Defaults, Select Reset Counters