Cabletron Systems NB30 manual Managing the Bridge, Viewing Hardware Types

Models: NB30

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The NB-30 Bridge Chassis View

The NB-30 does not support

MIB Components.

The MIBs which provide the NB-30 Bridge’s functionality — both proprietary MIBs and IETF RFCs — are listed here

Figure 2-4. Chassis Manager Window

Viewing Hardware Types

In addition to the graphical displays described above, choosing the Device Type option on the Device menu brings up a window that describes the management device being modeled:

Figure 2-5. Device Type Window

Managing the Bridge

In addition to the conÞguration information described in the preceding sections, the Chassis View also lets you manage your bridge. Bridge management functions include setting device date and time, and enabling and disabling bridging.

Managing the Bridge


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Cabletron Systems NB30 manual Managing the Bridge, Viewing Hardware Types