Cabletron Systems NB30 DSX-1 Summary, Erasing Entries from the Permanent or Acquired Databases

Models: NB30

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NB-30 Bridging

To delete an address:

1.Click to highlight the address entry in the Address Entry panel that you wish to delete from the filtering database.

2.Click on Delete.

Erasing Entries from the Permanent or Acquired Databases

You can erase the entire Acquired or Permanent Databases (not including the 17 multicast address entries that are automatically entered in the Permanent Database on power-up). To do so:

1.Click on Erase next to the Static/Dynamic entry count to clear all entries from the Acquired Database, or next to the Permanent entry count to clear all entries from the Permanent Database (excepting the 17 automatic entries).

DSX-1 Summary

If you have a DSX-1 module installed in your NB-30, the Bridge DSX-1 Summary window allows you to test the status of the remote portÕs link to the bridge at the other end of the T1 link, as well as to see the status of each of the DSX-1 channels.

The diagnostic loopback test determines the integrity of a T1 link to a remote NB-30 bridge. With the DSX-1 Summary window, you can determine the type of data test pattern to use during the loopback test, and then run the test and view its results. Refer to your local management documentation for more information.

The DSX-1 Summary window also lets you see the assignment of the 24 possible channels that can be used for the T1 link.

To access the DSX-1 Summary window:

1.Click on Remote to reveal the remote Port menu.

2.Choose DSX-1.... The Bridge DSX-1 Summary window, Figure 3-9, will appear.

DSX-1 Summary


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Cabletron Systems NB30 manual DSX-1 Summary, Erasing Entries from the Permanent or Acquired Databases