Cabletron Systems NB30 Packets Filtered Blue Ethernet Port Only, Xmit Aborts Ethernet Port Only

Models: NB30

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NB-30 Bridging

Port Packet Statistics

The following statistics Þelds appear in the Ethernet and Remote Port Statistics windows under the heading ÒPackets.Ó These are also graphically displayed in the pie chart (with the exception of Packets Received).

Note that the Remote Port Statistics window does not record Packets Filtered.

Packets Forwarded (Green)

The number of good packets forwarded by the selected port.

Packets Filtered (Blue — Ethernet Port Only)

The number of good packets Þltered by the Ethernet port.

Errors (Red)

The number of packets with an error that were detected by the selected port.

Other (Magenta)

When the bridge is in normal FORWARDING or FILTERING operation, this Þeld counts the number of Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) processed by the port.

If the bridge is in the LISTENING or LEARNING state, no packets are forwarded or Þltered Ñ and all packets detected by the port are counted in this category.

This Þeld does not include packets already tallied in the Forwarded, Filtered, and Received Þelds.

Packets Received

The total number of packets received by the bridge port. This total does not include the packets tallied in the Other Þeld.

Ethernet and Remote Port Problem Statistics

Note that some of these statistics, which tally bridging problems, only apply to the Ethernet port.

Collisions (Ethernet Port Only)

The total number of collisions detected in the transmission of frames by the selected port.

Xmit Aborts (Ethernet Port Only)

The total number of frame transmissions from this port that had to be aborted because of an excessive number of collisions.

OOW (Ethernet Port Only)

The number of collisions at this port that were out of the standard collision window (51.2µs) due to a network problem experienced by the bridge.


Bridge Statistics

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Cabletron Systems NB30 Packets Filtered Blue Ethernet Port Only, Xmit Aborts Ethernet Port Only, OOW Ethernet Port Only