Cabletron Systems NB30 manual Frames Forwarded, Frames Received, Frames Filtered

Models: NB30

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NB-30 Bridging

To access the NB-30 port Bridge Performance Graph window:

1.From the Bridge Status window, click on the appropriate port button (Ethernet or Remote). The Port menu will appear.

2.Click on Performance Graph.... The NB-30 port Bridge Performance Graph window will appear.


The graphic displayed in Figure 3-2 is a device-level window; the window that is displayed at the port level is virtually identical.

Figure 3-2. Bridge Performance Graph

For the Bridge level window, you can select two of the following statistics to display. The graphical display will update at 2 second intervals. For the Þrst 120 seconds of graphing, you will note the graph lines extending as each intervalÕs data is added to the graph. After the Þrst 120 seconds expires, the newest data is added at the right edge of the graph, and the oldest data is scrolled off to the left.

Frames Forwarded

The number of frames forwarded by both ports on the NB-30Õs bridge.

Frames Received

The total number of frames received by both ports on the NB-30Õs bridge.

Frames Filtered

The total number of frames Þltered by both ports on the NB-30Õs bridge.


Bridge Statistics

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Cabletron Systems NB30 manual Frames Forwarded, Frames Received, Frames Filtered