Cabletron Systems NB30 manual Configuring the Filtering Database, List, Address, Port Filtering

Models: NB30

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NB-30 Bridging

The following Þelds are applicable to the scrollable Address Entry panel of

Filtering Database entries.


The List checkboxes at the bottom of the window indicate whether the associated entry type (Dynamic, Static, or Permanent) will be displayed in the scrollable table of address entries. A check next to the entry type indicates that it will be displayed.


Lists the addresses for which the bridgeÕs Filtering Database has forwarding and/or Þltering information.


Indicates the type of an entry in the database. The possible types are Dynamic, Static, or Permanent. You can alter the entry type, as described in the next section.

Port Filtering

Indicates the action that will take place at each bridge port when it receives frames from the selected address entry. An arrow between the ports indicates that the frames received from the address will be forwarded to the portÕs associated

segment (). A vertical bar between the ports indicates that frames will be

Þltered (blocked) from the portÕs associated segment ( ). You can alter the port Þltering action, as described in the next section.

Configuring the Filtering Database

You can conÞgure the Filtering Database by:

¥Altering the Ageing Time for Dynamic entries.

¥Changing the type of entry with the Type buttons.

¥Changing the Port Filtering action at each bridge port.

¥Adding or deleting individual Filtering Database entries.

¥Clearing all Permanent or Acquired Database entries from the Filtering Database.

Note that although conÞguration changes will appear in the window, no action actually takes place in the bridgeÕs Filtering Database until you click on OK in the bottom right of the window. This saves the new conÞguration.

Altering the Ageing Time

To alter the Ageing Time for Dynamic entries:

1.Highlight the Ageing Time field with the cursor.

2.Type in the new Ageing Time (allowable range is 10 to 1,000,000 seconds).

Filtering Database


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Image 53
Cabletron Systems NB30 manual Configuring the Filtering Database, List, Address, Port Filtering, Altering the Ageing Time