Chapter 6. Tool support for MDSD 107
Distribution entities
MDSD is described as both a separation of concerns, where designers can
address each set of stakeholder concerns independently, as well as an
integration of concerns, where there is enforcement of integration by requiring
the use of a common set of design elements across multiple sets of concerns.
One of the concerns is the logical aspects of the system that have been
described already. Another is the distribution aspects of the system. (There can
be many more, such as process, security, and so forth.) The entities used to
model this viewpoint are called localities. The distribution viewpoint describes
how the functionality of the system is distributed.
Figure 6-15 shows an example of a diagram showing localities and their
connections. The locality is represented using a stereotyped Class (or Block in
SysML). In the MDSD UML plug-in, the locality stereotype uses the shape image
shown in Figure6-15. These go in a package named Distribution Elements.
Localities can perform operations and have attributes appropriate to specify
physical design. A connection is a generalized physical linkage. Connections are
characterized by what they carry or transmit (data, power, fuel) and the
necessary performance and quality attributes in order to specify their physical
realization at the design level.
Figure 6-15 Locality diagram