Creative/dynamic complexity can be managed with a governance process. (The governance process must be enabling and not confining.)
Governance more and more becomes a matter of managing risk in an innovative world; of balancing innovation and risk.
Overview of model-driven systems development
The benefits of modeling
Why do we model? We model to manage complexity, to simplify and abstract essential aspects of a system. We model so that we can test inexpensively before we build, so that we can erase with a pencil before we have to demolish with a sledgehammer.6
The models are the
Central problems MDSD addresses
MDSD addresses a core set of system development problems:
Overwhelming complexity: Managing complexity by managing levels of abstraction and levels of detail
Not considering appropriate viewpoints: Multiple views to address multiple concerns
System does not meet functional, performance and other system concerns: Integration of form and function
Lack of scalability: Isomorphic composite recursive structures and method to address scalability
6This is an adaptation of a quote from Frank Lloyd Wright: An architect's most useful tools are an eraser at the drafting board, and a wrecking bar at the site
4Model Driven Systems Development with Rational Products