110 Model Driven Systems Development with Rational Products
In this first section, you will:
򐂰Explore and become familiar with the Workbench.
򐂰Customize the Workbench to hide multiplicity and roles from UML diagrams.
򐂰Install the MDSD plug-in to support model-driven systems development.
Preparing the Workbench
In this task you are customizing the environment so that multiplicity and role
information is not displayed on the diagrams:
򐂰Launch Rational Systems Developer3 by selecting Start IBM Rational
Systems Developer.
򐂰Create a new workspace by typing C:\Workspaces\MDSD into the Workspace
field (replacing anything that might already be there) (Figure 6-17).
Figure 6-17 Workspace Launcher
򐂰If it appears that RSD is hung, look for the Workspace Launcher dialog behind
the RSD window.
򐂰When the Workbench starts up, close the Welcome window if it is displayed
(Figure 6-18).
3 This example assumes Rational Systems Developer Version 7