Abbreviations and acronyms
BB | |
BDD | block definition diagram |
CONOPS | concept of operations |
ECU | electronic control unit |
GPS | global positioning system |
I/O | input/output |
IBD | internal block diagram |
IBM | International Business |
| Machines Corporation |
INCOSE | International Council on |
| Systems Engineering |
IT | information technology |
ITSO | International Technical |
| Support Organization |
JRT | joint realization table |
MDD | |
MDSD | |
| development |
NFR | nonfunctional requirements |
OASIS | Organization for the |
| Advancement of Structured |
| Information Standards |
OMG | Object Management Group |
OOSE | |
| engineering |
PD | parametric diagram |
PDE | product data exchange |
RF | radio frequency |
RFP | request for proposal |
RMC | Rational Method Composer |
RSW | rain sensing wiper |
RUP | Rational Unified Process |
SE | systems engineering |
SSR | software supplementary |
| requirement |
STP | software test plan |
UML | Unified Modeling Language |
WB |
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