Introduction to SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise Manager on Solaris
Conventions 1-7
Figure 1-2. The History Window
Launching Documentation The SPMA documentation set is now provided in electronic format
and installed with your SPMA program Þles, along with AdobeÕs
Acrobat Reader application. The
button or menu option
available in many application windows Ñ including all Hub Views,
the Bridge View, and the Stand-alone Launcher Ñ will launch the
Acrobat Reader and open the appropriate document. From the
Stand-alone Launcher, clicking the
button will launch a menu
Þle which provides links to all other available documentation; you
can also access this menu Þle (called
) directly from
the Solstice Manager Viewer window via the
ToolsÑ>SPMA Guide
menu option. Any document Þle can also be opened directly via
Acrobat. Document Þles are stored in the
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