Installing SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise Manager
Preparing Your Workstation for Installation 2-5
5. If you did not start the windowing environment as root you will
also need to give root permission to display by switching to the
username you used to launch the windowing environment, and
typing the following from the command line:
xhost +<hostname>
To Install from a Remote CD-ROM Drive1. Log on to the CD-ROM host workstation as root.
2. Create a directory for the CD mount point by typing:
mkdir /cdrom
3. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive and mount the CD
filesystem using the following command:
mount -r -F hsfs /dev/sr0 /cdrom
4. Export the CD ROM filesystem by adding the following line to
your /etc/dfs/dfstab file:
share -F nfs -o ro /cdrom
then type the following from the command line:
Or just type the following from the command line:
share -F nfs -o ro /cdrom
If you are running on Solaris with the vold process (volume manager
daemon), skip steps 2 and 3 below. When you insert a CD on a system
running the volume manager daemon, the CD filesystem is automatically
mounted by the system.
00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 5 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM