Using the Stand-alone Launcher
Customizing Launcher Menus 4-27
4. Following the pattern used in the original, add an additional line
for each application in the following format:
Application <name> <executable path> [argument]
<name> is the name of your application as you would like it to
appear on the Application menu; note that there can be no white
space between words.
<executable path> is the full path to the executable file.
[argument] is an optional entry; if it is required by your
application, the Launcher will add one or more of the following
arguments when launching your application:
-IP — the IP address of the selected device;
-ChassisMgr — the Chassis Manager community name
entered for the device when it was added to the Launcher’s
-Read — the Read community name entered for the device
when it was added to the Launcher’s database;
-Write — the Write community name entered for the device
when it was added to the Launcher’s database.
If you use any of the above arguments after specifying the
executable path to your application, the Launcher will use the
appropriate information from that which was entered when the
selected device was added to the database. For example, if you
use the IP argument, the Launcher will launch your application by
using the executable file plus the IP address of the selected
00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 27 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM